30. November 2024Why brand action is now more important than brand blah-blah 3. July 2024SMA Solar 22. April 2024Deceptive lightness 15. December 2023Typographic and captivating: four-phase campaign for the Konzerthaus Berlin 14. November 2023Why we were still missing "GreenSunday" 10. October 2023Why agencies should stop greenwashing for award purposes 10. October 2023Apple’s Mother Nature 4. October 2023Anja Goetz becomes Client Service Director 25. September 2023Make some Neues 11. July 2023No room for ego 6. July 2023The Goodwins wins advertising account for LichtBlick 6. July 2023Kleinanzeigen and the Goodwins leave everyone behind 31. May 2023Stihl Spring Campaign 16. May 2023Launch campaign by Kleinanzeigen 8. May 2023The Goodwins welcomes two new team members 4. May 2023The future only works together 28. March 2023The Goodwins convince NABU 24. March 2023"The Reverse Pitch" 23. March 2023Stromer 3. March 2023Shortage of skilled workers 17. February 2023Florian Zizmann 29. January 2023Thought experiment 10. December 2022New Business Podcast 11. November 2022Clemens Kandziora 7. October 2022Detlef Henke 30. September 2022Brandalism 30. September 2022Ebay Kleinanzeigen positions itself as a real estate agent 28. September 2022The Goodwins continue to grow 28. September 2022The Goodwins wins budget triple 11. May 2022Why Sumup ditches startup clichés when advertising 11. May 2022MVV Energie AG relies on The Goodwins in the B2C sector 30. March 2022Ebay Kleinanzeigen humorously drums up new shipping feature 22. March 2022What’s Next, Agencies? 28. February 2022W&V Food for thought 24. January 2022Why Deutsche Telekom confronts unsuspecting influencers with hate speech 19. January 2022With this campaign, Ebay Kleinanzeigen attacks Immoscout24, Immowelt & Co. 25. October 2021nebenan.de launches campaign for neighborly interaction 14. October 2021This is how The Goodwins advertises for Bayerische Versicherung 21. September 2021Why we need to embrace sustainable consumption now 26. August 2021Bernd Meyer becomes Managing Director at The Goodwins 4. August 2021Brands that are not there now no longer comprehend the world 25. June 2021Ebay Classifieds officially delivers the "hot shit" on climate-positive marketing 24. June 2021Campaign against anti-Muslim racism 14. June 2021The Goodwins and Grover against e-waste 14. June 2021Technology rental platform Grover promotes renting instead of buying 2. June 2021#wirfürschule: Campaign by The Goodwins calls for nationwide hackathon 28. April 2021Ad Girl Lisa Eppel changes to The Goodwins 9. April 2021Sandra Schilling hires at The Goodwins 19. March 2021With these motifs WWF and The Goodwins advertise for switching off the lights 11. March 2021THE GOODWINS & FISCHER BUILD OBSTACLE COURSE 3. March 2021EBAY KLEINANZEIGEN ADVERTISES AMBIGUOUSLY FOR NEW BUYER PROTECTION 28. January 2021CREATIVE AGENCY THE GOODWINS FIGHTS FOR THE GOOD 13. November 2020EBAY KLEINANZEIGEN PREVAILS OVER CONTROVERSIAL “EHRENPFLEGAS” SERIES 6. November 2020Ebay Kleinanzeigen wants to put an end to the shopping mania 5. November 2020Ebay Classifieds announces Green Sunday 8. October 2020Ebay Kleinanzeigen goes into battle against the toy monster 8. October 2020Lieber weiterverkaufen statt wegwerfen 2. October 2020Ebay Classifieds turns hate into fun 1. October 2020Ebay Classifieds launches action against hate 25. September 2020The Goodwins advertises for Ricardo 16. September 2020Ebay Classifieds wins with music video on the topic of sustainability 19. May 2020Ebay Classifieds goes on the sustainability offensive with The Goodwins 15. May 2020So wirbt The Goodwins für E-Bay Kleinanzeigen 7. January 202010 deutsche Start-ups, die 2020 durchstarten werden 29. August 2019Maurice Pfleiderer wird Geschäftsführer der Berliner Agentur 1. July 2019The Goodwins lanciert Kampagne für das Fashion Label Manakaa Project 4. April 2019Was die globale Stihl-Kampagne mit Haltung, Nachhaltigkeit und Weltoffenheit zu tun hat. 8. February 2019Werben für das Gute. Wie geht das? 3. December 2018Tim Stübane, Franka Mai und Mirko Stolz gründen THE GOODWINS. 3. December 2018Tim Stübane ist zurück.