6. February 2025Pajunk shines in new brand design 30. November 2024Why brand action is now more important than brand blah-blah 3. July 2024SMA Solar 22. April 2024Deceptive lightness 15. December 2023Typographic and captivating: four-phase campaign for the Konzerthaus Berlin 14. November 2023Why we were still missing "GreenSunday" 10. October 2023Why agencies should stop greenwashing for award purposes 10. October 2023Apple’s Mother Nature 4. October 2023Anja Goetz becomes Client Service Director 25. September 2023Make some Neues 11. July 2023No room for ego 6. July 2023The Goodwins wins advertising account for LichtBlick 6. July 2023Kleinanzeigen and the Goodwins leave everyone behind 31. May 2023Stihl Spring Campaign 16. May 2023Launch campaign by Kleinanzeigen 8. May 2023The Goodwins welcomes two new team members 4. May 2023The future only works together 28. March 2023The Goodwins convince NABU