Find what's yours.
Cultural education plays an enormously important role in the development of children and young people. It's good that there is a wide range of cultural education venues available to everyone throughout Germany. What has been lacking, however, is a digital place where all these activities can be found together. And the right communication to encourage the young target group at eye level to get active and try out new things.
Our services:
On behalf of the BKJ (Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung - Federal Association for the Education of Children and Young People), we developed a campaign called "Machmamit!" that calls on children and young people, in a way that is appropriate for the target group, to try out new hobbies, discover their own talents, and find fun and new friends. At the heart of the campaign is an interactive map of Germany on machmamit.de, which lists places of cultural education in a collected form. The campaign was flanked by digital OOHs, ads, flyers, stickers, information materials for schools and daycare centers, and festival communications.