via Sabine Danek Page Online

Everyone is against racism. But when it comes to job applications, the headscarf becomes a problem: The Goodwins agency has developed a strong anti-racism campaign for CLAIM, an alliance of more than 47 organizations.

July 1 is the “Day Against Anti-Muslim Racism.” Of course, this should be every day. Unfortunately, however, everyday racism is an integral part of society.

To fight it, CLAIM came together in Germany in October 2017 - an alliance of a total of more than 47 Muslim and non-Muslim organizations working to combat Islamophobia, Muslimophobia and anti-Muslim racism.

The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and funded as part of the federal program “Democracy Live!”.

Starting on June 24, 2021, CLAIM will launch a week of action to draw attention to everyday racism against Muslim:ins, accompanied by a campaign that shows “how much self-perception and reality can diverge in our society,” according to Berlin-based agency The Goodwins.

Campaign with impressive motifs

For this, the creatives have developed a series of motifs that make it clear that while social media, talk shows or the media repeatedly affirm that racism has no place in German society, the reality is different.

Illustrated in striking colors, flat and bold, the campaign makes clear: “Everyone is against racism. But when the mosque was attacked, no one was there.” “Everyone is against racism. But when you're looking for an apartment, your name gets in the way,” it continues, or “Everyone is against racism. But when applying for a job, the headscarf becomes a problem.”

The motifs want to show that it is not enough to simply be against something. They want to draw attention and provide food for thought, as creative director Sandra Schilling of The Goodwins says - and appeal to the good in people. “Pay attention, get involved!”

Action week and reporting tool

“In Germany and all over Europe, anti-Muslim resentment runs through society and forms the breeding ground for right-wing ideologies, rejection and hatred. It's time to make a statement,” says Rima Hanano, CLAIM project manager. “We show that it is not enough to be against racism. If you want to fight racism effectively and protect the values of an open and tolerant society, you have to look, listen, show solidarity and speak up. That’s exactly what the campaign is designed to do.”

During the campaign week starting on July 1, 2021, not only will racism and anti-human ways of thinking and behaving be confronted nationwide and together, but attention will also be drawn to the I-Report reporting tool.

Since it is assumed that a large proportion of Islamophobic and Muslimophobic crimes are not registered or prosecuted by the authorities, the tool aims to centrally record, document and make visible anti-Muslim-motivated attacks and discrimination.

Bild: CC-BY-SA